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Questions to discuss before Marriage


It’s really important that couples who are planning on getting married know if they are actually compatible.

Sex, Romance, Love
1. What other attributes do you believe we share that can sustain our relationship if we eliminated physical attraction?
2. How do you think I prefer for you to show me love?
3. What is the best way for me to show that I love you?
4. If I put on weight, will it affect our sexual relationship? How?
5. What do I do that causes you to question my love?
6. What turns you off sexually?
7. If I were to get sick, how would our relationship be affected?
8. Would it affect our relationship if we could not have children?
9. What is you opinion of what being in love means? (1) Never having to say you’re sorry, (2) Always having to say you’re sorry, (3) Knowing when to say you’re sorry, or (4) Being the first to say I’m sorry?
10. Do you believe in spending regular time together – just as a couple?
11. How important do you believe regular touching, hugging, and kissing is to an intimate relationship?
12. What is your opinion on the importance of resolving issues before going to bed angry?

By | 2017-11-29T14:16:06+00:00 November 29th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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