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What’s stopping you from pursuing your dreams?

We all have dreams?

Remember when you were a child, how you had all these dreams of what you were going to be and do when you grow up? Sadly, in the process of growing up, most of us are told by well-meaning adults – to stop day-dreaming , to “get a “real” job, which usually means going to work for someone else and getting a regular paycheck monthly or bi-weekly, along with that health insurance package. The sad thing is that the more we are told by others what the “norm” is for how we should live our lives, most of us actually abandon our dreams and “follow” someone’s else’s dreams, rather than our own.

Why do we do this?

The answer is FEAR. Fear of the unknown. You see – many of us find it easier to follow the majority down a path that is well tested. We FEAR the untested, the unknown, the unusual. We feel more comfortable following the path more used, than to venture out and create our own paths.

Have you noticed however, that the ones who carve out their own paths and live their dreams are the ones that allow us to enjoy all the new discoveries, technologies, inventions, and new horizons that they create, invent and discover?

Can you imagine a world where everyone just “follows” what everyone else before them did and never attempted to do anything differently. It would be a sad indeed and we would still be living in caves and rubbing sticks together to light a fire.

Yet – this is where most of us find ourselves. Trapped in the “ordinary” and never seeking the “extra-ordinary” because of the FEAR of embarking on a new path. A path less travelled, a path where you are able to use the gifts that only YOU were created with.

Many of us die and go to our graves with our gifts still trapped within us. You may have had times when those gifts begged for expression – however, after being stifled time after time – the “begging” decreases and is finally extinguished.

Tell me. What gifts were you created with that you are carrying to your grave?

Is it a cure for a disease? A better way to teach and disseminate information? What about a way of ending world hunger? What about the ability to encourage others when they feel they’re at the end of their rope? Is it the gift of making people happy?

When you’re taking your last breath here on earth; what will you regret? Will you be able to say that you’ve truly lived? Or did you in fact die years ago and now just exist from day to day for a paycheck and insurance package.

Don’t die with your dreams still inside of you. The world needs you to develop and share these dreams for it to become a better place to live, and for you to become a more fulfilled person.

I challenge you to let go of your FEARS and pursue the thing that lights a fire within you and drives you to your higher purpose.

I challenge you to “FEEL the FEAR, and DO it anyway.” Because it is only in the DOING that you will be able to conquer it! FEAR has to be met “head-on” to be conquered. There is NO OTHER WAY!

Will you join me?


By | 2017-12-13T16:07:23+00:00 December 13th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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