Focus | Dr. Christine Chin-Sim | LinkedIn
Tony Robbins said it this way, “Wherever focus goes, energy flows.”
So I ask you this. Where or what exactly are you focusing on?
Are you focused on your failures? Focused on your past? Focused on your disabilities? Focused on your inadequacies or deficiencies? Focused on your loss? Focused on your pain? Focused on your “What ifs?” Focused on those who did you wrong? Focused on your difficult childhood? Focused on your divorce? Focused on your lack of money? Focused on your “self”?
Well, I’m guessing you already know where your energy is going. Now what if you were to “flip the switch” and focus on the success you see coming into your life, the abundance and prosperity you expect to flow to you, the health you are already experiencing or creating, the pain-free body you live in, on forgiving those who did you wrong so that you’re free to move past your hurts and fears, on the lessons you learned as a result of your divorce, on the money you expect to create, on the well-being of others? What do you think might happen if we “change” our focus?
I’m always ready and willing to try a new thing. How about you? What do you say? What does it hurt to try and change our focus from negativity to something more positive?
You might be surprised at what you will find. Why don’t you give it a try?
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