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Not necessarily the SMARTEST who succeeds: Unless…

As I drove to work today, I got to thinking about all the doctoral students that went through the program with me; and something struck me and I thought I’d share it with you. This is especially for those of you going through any kind of rigorous studies – however, for now I speak specifically about the PhD doctoral program – since this particular program requires this “thing” we call a dissertation – which signals the completion of your degree.

In my particular cohort, there were students who were by far, much smarter than the majority of us who were able to complete our program in a fairly short time – 4-5 years. And what I noticed was that the students who were considered “smart” lacked the tools necessary to maintain the focus, the flexibility, self-management, in order to persevere to the end, and as a result, many are still struggling to finish their degree. Perhaps it was because learning came so easy for them – that any extra effort seemed unnecessary. Perhaps it was because they had become so used to being directed by deadlines and outlines that, without the structure of a curriculum – they were lost. Perhaps it’s a combination of both.

What I’ve discovered however, is that the ability to be self-directed, focused, fearless; the ability to make the decision that quitting is NOT an option, to get up when life knocks you down, to learn from mistakes and use those lessons to make better decisions; the ability to DO and not just plan, the ability to set goals – and achieve them, and the ability to stay on task. These were and are the qualities that dictated whether someone was successful or not. And these are the same qualities that will  also determine success in every aspect of our lives.

We have to learn to manage ourselves before we can take on difficult tasks. By managing our emotions, our thoughts, our attitude; we can DO anything! Remember, our thoughts determine how we FEEL; how we feel determine what we DO; and what we do determines our DESTINY or destination.

What are you thinking, feeling, and doing? Are these activities in alignment with what you want for you life? With the goals you set for yourself? With where you want to be?

Remember, people are motivated to do something for 2 reasons only: the FEAR of failure of some sort, or in order to experience PLEASURE.

What’s motivating you? If it’s FEAR – then you must know that the ONLY way to overcome FEAR is to DO the thing you FEAR. There is simply no other way.

So as I leave you today, I want you to promise me just one thing. Whatever is immobilizing you is always motivated by fear. And in order to overcome your FEAR the only solution to that problem is to, “Feel the FEAR, and DO it anyway!”

Talk soon! And in the meantime, “BE FEARLESS!

By | 2016-12-21T07:51:31+00:00 December 21st, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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