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A “FEELING” is just a state – change it!

We put a lot of weight on how we “feel” and we make decisions to do, or not to do something based on these feelings. But – do you know you have the power to change how you feel? Now – I’m not talking about a serious issue such as the loss of a loved one. What I’m talking about is when we need to get something done but we put it off because we don’t “feel” like doing it. First you have to find what works for you of course, and what I’ve found works for me when I don’t “feel” like working out is to put on some really good upbeat music and let it rip! The minute I hear the music I just can’t help dancing and next thing I know, it’s an hour later and I’m still dancing.

Instant state change!

So, tell me. What can you do to change your state when your “feelings” threaten to hold you prisoner?

My suggestion is that you find what works for you. It could be singing some crazy song at the top of you lungs; it could be going for a walk or a run outdoors, it could be watching a comedy, it could be meditating. But whatever it is, YOU are capable of changing your state. If you’re depressed, try singing, dancing, get with people – but, do something.

A feeling is just a state – and it can be changed. YOU HAVE THAT POWER! USE IT!

Until next time, “Feel the FEAR and DO it anyway!”


By | 2016-12-21T18:03:40+00:00 December 21st, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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