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Do you have “INTEGRITY?”

One of the dictionary’s interpretation of the meaning of integrity is, ” the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished” – but I would like to approach this word from a totally different angle. I want to submit that, “Integrity” is when your thoughts, emotions or feelings, and your behavior are consistent with each other. I believe that when these are in alignment; that only then will an individual be whole.

Let me explain. Most people are thinking one thing, feeling something else, and doing something totally different. When this happens, this person experiences something called, “intra-personal” conflict, because thinking something, feeling another and doing something totally different is not the preferred state of the human condition. Of course, some people remain in this state for so long that they have become immune to the internal conflicts that result.

Let’s say for example someone is THINKING, “this is not right, but I have to do it to keep my job” FEELING – “Well, it’s just something I have to do. How else would I earn a living to support my family?” and DOING – Telling someone the house is a great bargain, even though they know it has a termite problem. Do you see how this could wreak havoc on someone who had the slightest bit of conscience about doing wrong to others? Now – some people may find no problem with this – but then again we’re speaking of someone without integrity in that case; so what do you expect? For someone with integrity however, this can wreak havoc on their conscience.

So let’s do a self-evaluation. Does your thoughts, feelings, and actions line up? Do you have INTEGRITY? If not, what are you going to DO about it?

By | 2016-12-06T13:54:21+00:00 December 6th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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