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    Water It, And It Will Grow

    Relationships are just like plants - when you take time to nourish it, it will grow; if you neglect it, it will die. It really is as simple as that. We tend to make things very complicated. Perhaps we believe the more difficult we make what we need to do - appear to be -

    By | 2019-04-23T13:14:57+00:00 April 23rd, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

      Relationship Mindset: To Whom or To What are you giving YOUR POWER?

      We are all in relationships of some kind. Most of us are in relationship with three things; people, habits, and things. Now you may understand being in relationship with people, but  - "Things" and "Habits" - you're not so sure. Well "things" are the things we have. You know, that cellphone, money, the "things" we
