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Welcome criticism and questioning… If you want to grow.

Yeah. I know this is not what anyone wants to hear, but believe me, if you’re someone who wants to be the best at what you do – you MUST welcome criticism. Nobody who has reached any position of excellence achieves this by remaining where they are – doing the same things they’ve done day after day.

NOBODY and NOTHING is perfect. There is ALWAYS room for improvement. And if we want to GROW, we must know where we are falling short so that we can make the necessary changes to become a better version of ourselves.

This is also relevant for businesses. I read somewhere where MANAGERS are people who do what they are told, whereas, LEADERS question what they are told. I’ve discovered that most people and organizations are really quite content staying where they’re at; doing the same thing over and over again, even when it makes no sense to continue doing it. Some of us get to this place of COMPLACENCY and SETTLE there. Even when we hear someone questioning the validity of certain actions – we settle there, because it’s just too difficult doing something different, even when it means this could propel our growth to new heights.

I find it absolutely frustrating when I see something that isn’t working and after pointing it out to those who manage – they tell me that they are sorry to hear someone feels that way. They are getting feedback on what does not work, and this is their response! Absolutely amazing!

I guess that puts me in the realm of a Leader because I can never be a MANAGER who just takes what I’m told without questioning, especially when something does not make sense to me. I’ve been told more than once that I ask too many questions; so I have one QUESTION ? – “How do you learn if you do not?” And if something doesn’t make sense to you, “Do you just do it anyway?”

Remember: Leaders question – Managers do what they are told to do. be a Leader!

By | 2016-12-06T13:52:38+00:00 December 6th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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