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Are thoughts important?

James Allen said, “Our thoughts are the architects of our destiny; what we THINK we CREATE; what we FEEL we attract; what we IMAGINE we become.”

Powerful huh!

He goes on to say that “What we see manifested in a person’s life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state, created by his thoughts.”

Wow! So if our THOUGHTS are so powerful as to create our destiny; it would make sense that in order to change our destiny, we need to change our thoughts, right?

Well, I’ve tried this and here is what I found. First thing I realized was how AUTOMATIC my thoughts were. Say for example I see a big pileup of traffic ahead of me. My thoughts automatically go to the possibility of an accident up ahead and how this is going to make me late for work; it doesn’t sift through the many other reasons of why there is a pile up of traffic. And it usually goes to the worse case scenario; something bad happened.

Most of us are like that. Our thoughts automatically go to the bad scenario, and guess what, that is usually what happens, right? But what if I would have CHOSEN to think something different, like for example, “this delay is meant to prevent me from something bad up the road.” Do you think I would have a different perspective than if I thought this was just a bad traffic jam? Of course! I would rather be late and prevented from something bad happening to me – than to have no traffic and get hit by some crazy driver up the road.

Not only do our thoughts create our destiny, it also dictates how we respond to situations.

You may know someone who always believe they will get a parking space close to the entrance of the mall – and guess what? They do! On the other hand, you may know someone who always says, “I never win anything!” and guess what? They don’t!

I don’t want to oversimplify this process, but what if we just begin with monitoring our thoughts and see how we think. I believe this could be the springboard to changing what we think, which could ultimately change our destiny.

What do you think? Are you ready to give it a try? I am.

Let me hear your thoughts on this, and your experiences. Until next time. Stay strong!

By | 2016-12-06T13:46:33+00:00 December 6th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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