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Our Thoughts Create our Destiny

Our thoughts are the architects of our destiny; what we think, we create; what we feel, we attract; what we imagine, we become. Therefore in order to make any change, we have to win in our minds before we can win in our lives. Most of us are totally unaware that what we think continuously are the results of the outer conditions of our lives. For us to win in our lives, we have to become serious guards at the gate of our minds.

Stop and think – what am I thinking now? How can I change what I’m thinking so it aligns with the outcomes I want for my life?

We are always thinking. And so, this is not an easy task; but it can be done. It takes serious work to constantly monitor our thoughts. However, if we are able to do this on a regular basis, we will reap extra-ordinary benefits and bend our destinies toward the direction we really want our future life to look like.

Start today – because remember, tomorrow never comes.

Until next time, “FEEL the FEAR and DO it anyway!

By | 2016-12-18T19:35:15+00:00 December 18th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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