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The First Step Toward Change

The first step toward change | Dr. Christine Chin-Sim |
James Allen suggests, “We must learn a new way to think; before we can master a new way to be.”

Many of us try to get the same results by doing the same things over and over again. What’s lacking in this picture? What determines the behavior we choose to do? The way we THINK of course!

If we keep doing the same things – expecting different results, then it is very obvious that we are NOT thinking. Why would any sane person keep – say for example – leave for work late everyday, and yet expect to get there on time? Why would we keep eating the same foods that gives us indigestion EVERY time we eat it, and not THINK that perhaps if we STOP eating these foods and try something different – that perhaps we might get a different result???

This reminds me of another thing James Allen said, he said “Men are anxious to change their circumstances, but are unwilling to change themselves; they therefore remain bound!” What insight!!! How can we not see the same thing?

We will NEVER achieve the change we so desperately need if we are unwilling to change ourselves! No – it’s not easy – no change is ever easy. But the very reason we are here on this earth is to become better versions of who we were when we first got here! Imagine if everyone sat around quite happily stuck in the same redundant role they play out each day of their lives – never to reach for something better? What a waste of a person’s life to just exist in limbo until the day we die?

Promise yourself today to stop existing and start growing into the person you were meant to be! Embrace new and better ways of thinking, because the world is forever changing and this change requires that you DO something different.

Until next time – keep embracing change by changing the way you think! One love!

By | 2016-12-06T13:40:20+00:00 December 6th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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