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What exactly is “LOVE” anyway?

We throw around the word “love” very loosely these days.

We say, we love our car, we love our dog, we love our job, we love ice cream, we love to eat (that’s me right there), we love to travel (me too). But – what exactly is love when we say we love someone?

Well, the Bible – yes – the Bible has been telling us what real love is for over 2000 years. The Bible has actually been telling us a lot of things, but sometimes we have to wait until some scientist say it, before we believe it.

Here is what the Bible says love is. Many marriages use this as a part of their marriage ceremony. But is this actually the way we try to live after we leave the ceremony.

I believe that if we did, that we would have a lot less divorce. Actually, there would probably be no divorce.

Here is what the Bible says: In bold letters

1 Corinthians 13:4-13 New International Version (NIV)

Love is patient. So we should be patient with each other

Love is kind. So we should be kind to each other

It does not envy. So no competition when our spouse is doing better (work related or otherwise) than we are

It does not boast. So no showing off and rubbing our success in our spouses face

It is not proud. So we are willing to accept when we are wrong

It does not dishonor others. So we honor our spouses by showing them respect

It is not self-seeking. So we only do things that will benefits both of us as a couple

It is not easily angered. So no shouting, physical, or emotional abuse

 It keeps no record of wrongs. So we forgive each other and don’t keep bringing it up over and over again

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. So we keep our eyes, ears, lips, feet, hands, away from evil and seek truth instead.

It always protects. So we always seek to protect our spouse; physically, emotionally, mentally – from anyone or anything that would wish them harm

Always trusts. So we trust our spouses. And if they’re doing all of the above – there is no need not to trues.

Always hopes. So we are always hopeful, even when things look hopeless.

Always perseveres. So we never give up on each other.

BecauseLove never fails. 

I will be the first to say I have fallen – super dooper – short of these commands when it comes to love. But what a wonderful world this would be if we were to actually obey them? It would actually be like living in heaven on earth – wouldn’t it?

Well – I plan to do the best I can in this human body in my time here on earth. How about you?

By | 2018-02-07T15:34:28+00:00 February 7th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |0 Comments

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