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MindSet Mastery: Why We Stop Growing …

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been an inquisitive child. I was always curious as to why we believe certain things, continue to do things that seem counterproductive – never curious of what might happen if we changed aspects of what we do, in order to have a better result. Many people found it annoying, even presumptuous, that I should even dare to ask a question. My response always was, “If I don’t know the answer, I’m going to ask, and if it doesn’t make sense, I’m going to ask why?”

It may seem of no importance to most adults, however, if we observe children closely, or take the time to listen to them, you will see them fearlessly trying new things, and hear them asking the question, “Why?”

Sadly, as adults we stop engaging in simple actions of discovery, and, we stop asking questions. Somehow we figure we understand everything about this world that we need to understand, and we know everything there is to know, so of course what reason is there to ask the questions “Why?”

If we are really honest with ourselves however, what we are really afraid of is what others will think of us if we ask a question that may appear silly to someone else. And so, we all sit in our collective ignorance and “pretend” we know it all, while remaining just as ignorant as we were before.

Cultural dogma has trained us to believe that the expansion of our identities, which requires that we continually learn new skills, ended as soon as we become an adult. We are brainwashed into believing that we have learned everything we need to know when we finishing formal studies.

Our society reinforces this limiting dogma by being less forgiving of any adult who tries to learn something new, and fails. As adults we learn to cringe when we make a mistake. As we embrace the societal norm of what an adult should be, we narrow the limits of any potential growth we hope to achieve.

When we stop learning, our existence serves only to perpetuate the way we have been trained to do a thing, until now. We become a slave to existing knowledge and biases from others who have gone before us. We create no new knowledge of our own when we refuse to grow by asking questions, or learning news ways of doing things.

Many have worked at the same job their entire lives, doing the same thing, interacting with the same people, living in the same town, running with the same social circle, and having the same problems. They have lost, or never discovered, the thrill of childlike discovery. Without the impulse to explore, we lose ourselves daily to the patterns of convenience and we never grow.

I have met more than a few people like this, and it saddens me to think that one can feel so easily satisfied with such limiting perspective. There is no urge to travel outside their comfort zones, and if or when they do travel, they expect the place they travel to, to practice the same cultural norms – unwilling to learn from the new culture to which they have travelled. They carry their limiting beliefs with them everywhere they go – refusing to learn from others,or about others.

It is to the adventurers, the learners, and the discoverers of the new and the different, that we owe our very existence to. Without such people, we would be destined to liv out our existence in a world where now new growth occurs, no new discoveries made, no new frontiers embraced!

Don’t be afraid to grow. You can begin by changing your MindSet that is enabling those limiting beliefs that is crippling your growth. Start by asking a question today? Why do we do this again? Is there a better way? How about if we tried this?

This is the only way that we grow and progress as a person. Never stop being curious. It is nothing to be ashamed of. If you don’t know – ask. If you don’t understand – investigate! In the words of an anonymous author, “If you don’t like where you are, MOVE, you’re NOT a tree!

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Until next time… Feel the FEAR, and DO it anyway!


By | 2019-03-15T16:41:08+00:00 October 14th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

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