What exactly is “LOVE” anyway?
We throw around the word "love" very loosely these days. We say, we love our car, we love our dog,
Love and Respect in Couples Relationships
"Each one of you also MUST LOVE his wife as he loves himself; and the wife MUST RESPECT her husband."
Having a Perpetual Pity Party is Not Attractive
It's not. Really! I cannot understand that anyone should think that constantly griping about how unfortunate, unlucky, or unhappy you
Couples relationships: Is your marriage in trouble?
In couples relationships, this is important. Really important. You cannot wait until you've reached the point of no return before
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find – the Bible
It's such a simple concept, but you would be surprised at how difficult it is for many people to ask
Relationship Mindset: To Whom or To What are you giving YOUR POWER?
We are all in relationships of some kind. Most of us are in relationship with three things; people, habits, and
Your Loss (death or divorce) is Uniquely Yours and Deserves Your Personal Attention, Without Comparison
If we live long enough in this life, we will incur a loss - whether through death or divorce. It
What’s stopping you from pursuing your dreams?
We all have dreams? Remember when you were a child, how you had all these dreams of what you were